Speaker Details
Chris Lane
Chris is head of transport innovation at Transport for West Midlands. In this role he delivers change through people, processes and technology across a portfolio of programs, including a commercial Mobility as a Service, connected and autonomous mobility testbed and developing new ways of travel through the West Midlands Future Transport Zone, as well as enabling the take-up of ultra-low-emissions vehicles. Working in transport for most of his life, he has had the opportunity to deliver significant changes to transport. His background encompasses significant business transformation programs, implementing innovative CAV, ITS and ICT systems and playing a major role in the successful delivery of TfWM’s successful smartcard ticketing and passenger information schemes.Presentation
Establishing a mobility data exchange – principles and opportunities
ConVEx provides a commercially sustainable connected and automated vehicle data exchange marketplace. The presentation will explain how ConVEx was established, the key principles of how it operates – including a review of several real-world use cases – and the potential commercial opportunities such a platform unlocks.